It is my earnest wish to be a doctor one day. About thre my grand mother was hospitalised and whilevistinger,c hear the painful groans and moans of ailing patients and see for their agony and suffering. Ever since then I have decided to entert medical profession. Iwould like to cure the sick and relieve them their pain and suffering. Ihave often heard people say that a physician is next to God. I do feel that there is a world of truth in this hope It is no easy task qualify a doctor. To enter the profession there is competition. I have to burn midnight Zoology, Botany and I have to attain a very high standard in these subjects. Once the Medical Faculty, Ihave to labour hard to achieve success. the period of training is rather long. Nevertheless my mind up.
healthier and happier lives. There is at present a shortage of doctors particularly in the North and East. Even though a great many youngsters year by prefer to go abroad seeking greener pastures. Their only aim is lucrative practice there. But man does not live by bread material gain no consideration for me. It is my sincere wish to serve my unprivileged in their hour of need. Many a poor patient dies pathetically for medical assistance. So Iwould like to save these precious human lives which cannot be bought for money. This is the greatest service I can render to my fellowmen know pretty well thát a doctor's time is never his own. takes lunch at all sorts hours. So it is with his dinner, since he is likely to be called odd times in the night. His is a life of dedicated service. He should not look for his fees alone. He should willing serve the poor patients and look upon them as his own brothers and sisters. He should never forget the fact that service to mankind real service to God. This service is sure to be appreciated by socicty and rewarded God It is my desire at a later stage to set up a dispensary of my own and help the poor by giving them medicine free of charge. It is my fond hope that my dream will come true one day!
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